Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Tally On Mobile - Live Keeping Mobile App

આ આપલિકેશન માં તમે મોબાઈલ  📱થી એન્ટ્રી કરશો તો તમારા કમ્પ્યુટર 🖥 ના ટેલિ માં એ અપલોડ થઈ જશે ➡ આ એપ માટેલેપટોપ કે કમ્પ્યુટર માં અંને તમારા મોબાઇલ બંને માં આ એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરી લેવાની બંને માં ઇન્ટરનેટ હોવું ફરિજયાત છે 🙏🏻➡પછી તમારી મેલ આઇ ડી આપી ને લોગીન કરવાનું (ફર્સ્ટ ટાઈમ સાઈન ઉપ )પહેલા કમ્પ્યુટર માં તમે લોગીન કરશો એટલે પાછળ તમારે ટેલિ સ્ટાર્ટ રાખવાનું ને એમાં તમારે જે કંપની મોબાઇલ માં લેવી છે એ પણ ચાલુ રાખવાનીએટલે તમારા ટેલિ ના ડેટા પછી તમારા મોબાઇલ માં શોવ થશેઅને તમે તમારા મોબાઈલ થી એન્ટ્રી કરશો તો એ ડેટા પછી તમારા લેપટોપ કે કમ્પ્યુટર માં અપલોડ થઈ જસેઆ એપ લોગીન ટાઈમેપાર્ટનર કોડ માં આપવાનું રહેશેPlan & validity1 year (+6 months free ) = 1800.00 2 year (+1 year free ) = 3600.00એક મહિના ના ૧૦૦ રૂપિયા j થાય છે ૧૦૦ રૂપિયા માં તમે તમારા એકાઉન્ટ સાથે કનેક્ટેડ રહો છોઆજ...

10 बेहतरीन बिज़नेस आइडियाज – कम लागत व ज़्यादा मुनाफा

10 बेहतरीन बिज़नेस आइडियाज – कम लागत व ज़्यादा मुनाफाअगर आप एक नया काम या बिजनेस शुरू करने की सोच रहे हैं और आपके पास सही आईडिया नहीं है या आपके मन में सवाल है की हम आखिर किस चीज का बिजनेस स्टार्ट करें तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आए हैं। अक्सर लोगों के साथ ऐसा होता है कि वह अपना एक नया व्यापार (new business) चालू करना चाहते हैं परंतु अच्छे बिजनेस आईडियाज ना होने के कारण वह हताश हो जाते हैं। लोगों में यह भी धारणा होती है की आपको कोई नया काम शुरू करने के लिए खूब पैसा लगाना (Investment) पड़ता है। यह चीज हर जगह लागू नहीं होती। ऐसे बहुत सारे बिज़नेस होते हैं जो कम लागत (low investment) से भी किये जा सकते हैं। हम आपको यहाँ ऐसे 10 बिज़नेस आईडिया बताएंगे जो आप आसानी से कर सकते हैं और अच्छा मुनाफा कमा सकते हैं। इनमे से कुछ काम ऐसे हैं जो आप घर बैठे भी कर सकते हैं।जब कम लागत वाले काम या बिज़नेस की बात आती है तो...

Monday, December 23, 2019

स्टूडेंट्स और बेरोजगारों के पास भी है मौका क्रेडिट कार्ड पाने का,जानिए कैसे?

स्टूडेंट्स और बेरोजगारों के पास भी है मौका क्रेडिट कार्ड पाने का,जानिए कैसे?बदलते वक्त में क्रेडिट कार्ड की अहमियत को नाकारा नहीं जा सकता है। यह आजकल युवाओं में काफी लोकप्रिय हो रहा है। क्रेडिट कार्ड पाना स्टूडेंट, सेल्फ एंप्लॉयड और दूसरे कई लोगों के लिए काफी कठिन होता है। इसके अलावा नए-नए एंप्लाइज जिनकी कोई क्रेडिट हिस्ट्री नहीं होती है, उन्हें भी क्रेडिट कार्ड पाने के लिए कई मुश्किलात का सामना करना होता है। लेकिन ऐसे जरूरतमंदों को भी क्रेडिट कार्ड मिल सकता है। दूसरे स्रोतों से आयबैंक अगर किसी को क्रेडिट कार्ड देते हैं तो सबसे पहले यह देखते हैं कि वह व्यक्ति क्रेडिट कार्ड का पैसा चुकाने में समर्थ रहेगा या नहीं। ऐसे में यह जरूरी नहीं है कि वह कोई कर्मचारी ही हो, बल्कि महत्वपूर्ण यह है कि उसके पास आय का स्रोत होना चाहिए। आय के स्रोत के तौर पर एफडी, आरडी, ट्रस्ट मनी, किराया, फ्रीलांसिंग...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

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Get 59.02% Discount on New Register .Biz Domain The number of times each customer can use the Offer: 5 Time. The no. of orders to which the Offer can be applied: 5 Order. The number of times the Offer can be used in all: 1st 100 Orders. Must be Pay Payment Online for Avail Discount.   Click Here

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Get 49.42% Discount on New Register .Biz Domain The number of times each customer can use the Offer: 5 Time. The no. of orders to which the Offer can be applied: 5 Order. The number of times the Offer can be used in all: 1st 100 Orders. Must be Pay Payment Online for Avail Discount.   ...

Friday, March 20, 2015

Whatsapp Voice Calling Feature: How to Activate it on Android?

In competition with Viber, Skype and other apps, Whatsapp has added voice calling feature recently. The company rolled out the feature gradually to the Android users and now it is available for all. And if you have another platform like iOS, probably, you have to wait for some time, as they are already in beta version. Initially, a Reddit userpradnesh07, even got the feature activated on his phone. According to the images posted, users who receive the voice-calling feature will notice an icon for it, beside the Chats and Contacts tabs. So if you feel left behind, don't worry, we have jotted down the steps for you, on how to get the Whatsapp...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Government plans free Wi-Fi in 2,500 cities, towns in mega internet push

NEW DELHI: The government will roll out free high-speed Wi-Fi in 2,500 cities and towns across the country over three years and the programme, involving an investment of up to Rs 7,000 crore, will be implemented by state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL). However, the free ride will be only for a limited time, after which one would have to pay for further access, a model similar to what is being offered at airports and other places by private operators. For those having a BSNL or MTNL connection, the switch-over to Wi-Fi will be similar to roaming "at very nominal costs" once the free usage is over. "The services will begin in the...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

10 Reasons to Pick the HTC One M8 Over the Galaxy S5

With the introduction of the HTC One M8 on March 25, the number of true contenders for the honor of top Android smartphone of 2014 has doubled. The other contender made its debut at Mobile World Congress in February when Samsung introduced its Galaxy S5. With the Android market this year now a two-horse race, all the other competitors will either have to introduce beautiful, well-crafted devices like the HTC One M8 and the Galaxy S5 or see their wares languish on store shelves. For now, though, it's just between those two handsets. However, deciding between the two might not be as difficult as some would argue. The Samsung Galaxy S5 is undoubtedly...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New technology that can 'replace' internet

A new project has been launched that could replace the internet. The ambitious project, Bitcloud, aims to provide services currently controlled byinternet service providers ( ISPs) and corporations. The project is based on the same methods used to mine bitcoins. According to the BBC, individuals would perform tasks such as storing, routing and providing bandwidth, in return for payment. The founders are searching for developers for the project, adding that they will start by decentralising the current internet, and then create a new internet to replace it. According to the report, like bitcoin miners provide computing power and are...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

India to have 155 mn mobile Internet users by March: IAMAI

The number of users accessing the web on their mobile handsets in India is expected to reach 155 million by March this year, according to the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI). This number is further expected to grow to 185 million by June, 2014. "The number of mobile internet users is going to reach 155 million in India by the end of March 2014, and 185 million by June 2014, maintaining a quarter-on-quarter growth of 20 per cent," a report by IAMAI and IMRB International said. At the end of December 2013, the number of mobile internet users stood at 130 million as against a userbase of 110 million in October 2013. According...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Unbreakable smartphones coming soon

Unbreakable rubber-like smart phones, roll able tablets and functional clothing have come closer to reality, thanks to new breakthrough research by scientists including one of Indian-origin. Researchers from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) RMIT University have developed a new method to transfer electronics with versatile functionality, which are usually made on rigid silicon, onto a flexible surface. The ability of micro and nano-electronic devices to sense, insulate or generate energy is controlled by thin, transparent nanolayers of oxide materials, often much thinner than 1/100th of a human hair. These oxide materials are...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Yahoo! Hack India to be held in Hyderabad

NEW DELHI: Programmers, developers, designers across the industry and student stop technical universities in India will gather at Hyderabad for a two-day hacking event. Over 1,000 developers across 20 states had signed up to participate in the sixth edition of "Yahoo! Hack India"July 13, of which 250 best hackers have been selected after an entry-level coding challenge. "These hackers will now participate in the two-day event which brings forth a series of technical workshops, followed by a nonstop 24-hour coding Hackathon on July 13 and 14," a statement said. For the first time, Yahoo! Hack India is being organized in cyber city Hyderabad....

First look: Google versions of HTC One, Galaxy S4

NEW YORK: Two new Android phones will look and sound familiar to those who have been paying attention to phones. That's because these two devices are replicas of Samsung's Galaxy S4 and HTC's One, except they lack most of the bells and whistles added to the original models.  And that's a good thing. The modifications Samsung and HTC apply to Google's Android software are meant to be improvements. But I've complained before about how the changes actually make phones more complex to use. The S4 even has an easy mode for first-time Smartphone users, an admission that the normal mode is too confounding. Google worked with both Samsung...

Infosys is my life: SD Shibulal

Despite the solid performance in first quarter of the current fiscal year, Infosys has adopted a "cautiously optimistic" stance and left its full-year growth forecast unchanged. In the third quarter of the last fiscal also, the Bangalore-based company delivered a surprisingly robust performance, only to slump back in the quarter after that. Acknowledging the volatility in performance, in an interview with N Shivapriya and Akanksha Prasad, chief executive officer SD Shibulal cautioned against drawing conclusions about a secular trend based on a single quarter's performance. While he described analysts as "experts", Shibulal refused to comment...

Free laptop scheme: UP govt owes HP Rs 900 crore

Four months after the Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav began distributing free laptops to students, it now turns out that Hewlett Packard, the supplier, has not been paid for more than 5 lakh laptops it has so far delivered. With a Rs 900-crore bill pending, HP has threatened to stop further supplies till dues are settled, government sources said. In June 2012, the Samajwadi Party government had announced a budget of Rs 2,721.24 crore for distributing tablets and laptops tomeritorious students of classes X and XII. Of this, while Rs 400 crore was earmarked for tablets, the remaining was to be spent on laptops. But funds got entangled...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

See, what makes your Android phone vulnerable to hackers

LONDON: A 'master key' has been reportedly discovered by a security research firm which could potentially give cyber attackers access to almost every Android phone. According to BBC, security research firm BlueBox has discovered the loophole which is present in every version of the Android operating system released since 2009. The bug emerges as a result of the way Android handles cryptographic verification of the programs installed on the phone The report said that Android uses the cryptographic signature as a way to check that an app or program is legitimate and to ensure it has not been tampered with. Jeff ForristalBlueBox and his colleagues have found a method of tricking the way Android checks these signatures so that malicious changes to the apps go unnoticed. Forristal said that...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

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Hi , I have something interesting for you - you can easily earn regular income online via! It’s really amazing! You get paid to open & read the contents of PaisaLive mails. You also receive special discount coupons, promotions and free passes to various events in your city.    Join now and get Rs. 99 instantly, just for joining. What more, as a special bonus you get paid for inviting your friends also! Create your PaisaLive Account & refer your friends to earn launch referral bonus on every new registration. PaisaLive - Get Paid to read emails  ...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Goa students to get tablets, notebooks for Rs 25

Students in Goa can now get a tablet PC or a notebook for just Rs 25. The digital largesse is a part of the Goa government education department's initiative to familiarise Class V and VII students with computers in order to "prepare them for the life ahead and get them curious about the e-systems", according to additional director education Anil Powar. "General category students will have to pay only Rs.25 while SC and ST students will have to pay Rs.10 to register for the scheme," Powar told reporters here Tuesday. The official said that the state government was making arrangements for purchasing nearly 50,000 notebooks and tablet PCs...

Friday, February 22, 2013

More top universities to offer free online courses

More top universities outside the United States are joining the rush to offer "massive open online courses" that are broadening access to higher education. Coursera and edX, two leading providers of so-called MOOCs, announced major expansions that will roughly double the number of university partners offering free online classes through their websites. Mountain View, California-based Coursera said it will add 29 institutions, including 16 outside the US Over the next several months, they will offer about 90 new courses, including some taught in French, Spanish, Italian and Chinese. "Having courses taught in other languages will enable more...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Internet rates may go up

Industry body ISPAI said that rates of internet and broadband services may go up under new licenses framework due to high entry fee proposed by Department of Telecommunications (DoT). DoT has proposed to charge one-time entry of Rs 15 crore for a national level Unified Licence compared to Rs 30 lakh which companies pay for internet services at present. "DoT has not done anything new as per the proposed format for Unified Licence regime. They are going ahead with option to continue the old licence format along with a new national level Unified Licence (UL) that will cost Rs 15 crore. "If internet service providers opt for UL, then cost...

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