Showing posts with label web developing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web developing. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

59.02% off on New .Biz Domain Name

  • Get 59.02% Discount on New Register .Biz Domain
  • The number of times each customer can use the Offer: 5 Time.
  • The no. of orders to which the Offer can be applied: 5 Order.
  • The number of times the Offer can be used in all: 1st 100 Orders.
  • Must be Pay Payment Online for Avail Discount.



Click Here

49.42% off on New .In Domain Name

  • Get 49.42% Discount on New Register .Biz Domain
  • The number of times each customer can use the Offer: 5 Time.
  • The no. of orders to which the Offer can be applied: 5 Order.
  • The number of times the Offer can be used in all: 1st 100 Orders.
  • Must be Pay Payment Online for Avail Discount.


A3_01 copy

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

82.39% off on New .Me Domain Name

  • Get 82.39% Discount on New Register .Me Domain
  • The number of times each customer can use the Offer: 5 Time.
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  • The number of times the Offer can be used in all: 1st 100 Orders.
  • Must be Pay Payment Online for Avail Discount.

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A3_01 copy





Monday, January 21, 2013

Facebook‘s annual hacker competition opens for registration

jmdcomputer Social networking giant Facebook has opened registration for its third annual Hacker Cup, set to begin from January 25.

The top prize will be $ 10,000 (approx. Rs 5.5 lakh) as against $ 5,000 (Rs 2.75 lakh) last year and as many 25 of the best hackers will be taken to Facebook's headquarter in USA, a statement said.

The Facebook Hacker Cup is an annual worldwide programming competition where hackers compete against each other for fame, fortune, glory and a shot at the coveted Hacker Cup.

"The competition will be held in two rounds starting with an online qualification, out of which 25 of the best hackers are then flown by Facebook to their headquarters inMenlo Park, CA," Facebook said.

"The preliminary round will be held between January 25 and February 16 while the onsite final round is scheduled for March 22-23, 2013.

Contestants will be judged on accuracy and speed as they race to solve algorithmic problems to advance through up to five rounds of programming challenges," it added.

Last year, the Hacker Cup attracted 8,000 participants from 150 countries, with the winner- Roman Andreev, hailing from Russia, Facebook said.

"Hacking is core to how we build at Facebook. Whether we're building a prototype for a major product like Timeline at a Hackathon, creating a smarter search algorithm, or tearing down walls at our new headquarters, we're always hacking to find better ways to solve problems," Facebook said in its Hacker's Cup page.

Facebook said that those who registered for a previous year are automatically registered for the competition year, however, they still need to check their information is up-to-date.

Monday, March 21, 2011





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Ø Standards                              :               802.11n, 802.11g, 802.11b, 802.3, 802.3u

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Ø Buttons                                   :               Reset, Wi-Fi Protected Setup

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Ø Cabling Type                           :               CAT 5e

Ø RF Pwr (EIRP) in dBm                :               17.5 dBm

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Ø Security Features                  :               WEP, WPA, WPA2

Ø Security Key Bits                   :               Up to 128-Bit Encryption


Ø Dimensions                           :               7.95" x 1.34" x 6.3" (202 x 34 x 160 mm)

Ø Weight                                   :               9.81 oz (280 g)

Ø Power                                    :               12V, 0.5A

Ø Certification                            :               FCC, CE, IC-03, Wi-Fi, Windows 7

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Please call for any support or inquiry….

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to Install Wordpress in your computer locally

Here is the complete tutorial to install wordpress in your computer using WAMP server. WAMP is a freeware and it is bundled with all the necessary items for a complete local server creation.

wordpress1 How to Install Wordpress in your computer locally

Install Wordpress using WAMP

Quick Preview:

  • Install & configure WAMP Server
  • Copy Wordpress to the local directory
  • Install Wordpress

Install & Configure WAMP Server

  1. Download the latest version of WAMP Server. or Click here WAMP Server.
  2. Install it in your computer.
  3. After installation, the WAMP icon will be placed in the system tray.
  4. Left click on the icon and select the second option (phpMyAdmin) .
  5. A new page with database creation option will be loaded in your default browser .
  6. Create a new database with the desired name, this will be used by wordpress to store data.
  7. After creating the database we must add an user and assign privileges.
  8. Click on “Database” tab and click the icon next to the database you just created.
  9. This will open the privileges window, in which you must add a new user.
  10. Click on “Add a new User “ , and enter the following details

User name:->Use text field <desired User name>

Host:->Any host -> Localhost

Password:->Use text field-><desired password>

  1. Then select Grant all privileges and click on “Go”

[flagallery gid=3 name="Gallery"]Note: Click on the “FS” button inthe gallery to view it in Fullscreen.

Copy Wordpress to Local Directory

  1. Download the latest stable version of Wordpress.
  2. Copy the files inside wordpress folder to the “www” directory where you installed WAMP (Default: “C:\wamp\www”)
  3. Note: Do not copy the entire folder and paste it, in that case you should append the folder name every time you access localhost.( The index.php must be in the www directory)
  4. Before Installing wordpress, some files must be configured, this includes specifying the database name and the user name which you created using WAMP.
  5. Open the file “wp-config-sample.php” and make changes to the following fields.

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘putyourdbnamehere’);

define(‘DB_USER’, ‘usernamehere’);

define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘yourpasswordhere’);

  1. The values in these fields must be replaced with the values you specified in WAMP.
  2. Note: The single quote must not be removed.
  3. Save the file and rename it from “wp-config-sample.php” to “wp-config.php”

Installing Wordpress

  1. With the database being created and the wordpress folder being configured, we can now install the Wordpress in your computer.
  2. Open your browser and enter “localhost”.
  3. This will start the Wordpress installation process.
  4. Enter you blog title and your email. The Email feature may not work as you don’t have a dedicated mail provider. Incase of installing wordpress in server, the mail option will be very much useful, particularly incase of lost passwords.
  5. Leave the other options to their default and click on “Install Wordpress”
  6. Then wordpress will provide you with a user name and password, by default the username is “admin”.
  7. Copy the password, because it cannot be retrieved once again.
  8. Click on “Log In”
  9. The wordpress will take you the login page where you must provide the username and the password that is generated by Wordpress.
  10. On a successful login it will redirect you to the Wordpress Dashboard.
  11. Atlast wordpress is installed in your local computer without the need of any domain.

[flagallery gid=4 name="Gallery"]

Note: Make sure to change you wordpress generated password after your first login, this can be achieved by Clicking on the “Users “option in the left sidebar.

Friday, November 27, 2009

अपने कंप्युटर को सर्वर मे बदलें(पार्ट 2) - mysql - php कैसे चलाएं?

मैने पिछले पोस्ट मे बताया था की कैसे XAMPP ईंस्टाल करते हैं और अब MySQL, डाटाबेस बनाना और उसका प्रयोग कैसे करना है वो बताने जा रहा हूं।

पहले "XAMPP Control Panel" को ओपन करें और Apache के साईड मे Modules लिखा होगा उसके निचे Svc लिखा होगा उसपर क्लिक कर के ओके करना है।  फिर अपाची को स्टार्ट करना है और MySQL को भी।

स्क्रिन साट:

अब अपना ब्राउजर खोलीये और उसमे localhost टाईप कर के एन्टर दबा दें।

अगर आपको xampp का पेज दिखता है तो ठिक है फिर आप

ये लिंक अपने ब्राउजर मे खोलीये


अब उसमे आपको MySQL SuperUser: का पास्वर्ड सेट करना है।

New password: root
Repeat the new password: root

Note:-  अगर आपको आपका पास्वर्ड सेट करना है। तो सेट कर सकते है

स्क्रिन साट:

अब अगर आप पास्वर्ड मे root डालते हैं तो आपका MySQL का यूजर नेम ये होगा Username: root
Password: root  अब आपको अपने Xampp डायरेक्ट्री को पास्वर्ड प्रोटेक्टेड बनाना है।


उसमे भी पास्वर्ड डाल दें।

अब आपका phpMyAdmin पास्वर्ड प्रोटेक्टेड हो गया है।

MySQL कैसे बनाएं?

यहां http://localhost/phpmyadmin/  पर जा कर अपना username और paasword डाल के लागईन कर लें।

username: root

और वही पास्वर्ड डालें जो आपने सेट किया था।

अब लागईन होने के बाद Create New Database मे कोई नाम डालीये जैसे मै jmdcomputer डाल रहा हूं।

और अब Create पर क्लिक कर दें।

स्क्रिन साट:

अब आपने MySQL का एकाऊंट भी बना लिया है और डाटाबेस भी। तो अब आप कोई भी स्क्रिप्ट ईन्स्टाल कर सकते हैं। आपका एकाऊंट एसा होगा।

host: localhost

user: root

pass: root

database: jmdcomputer

अब आप स्क्रिप्ट कहां डाल सकते हैं, फाईल कहां डालेंगे?

अपने कंप्युटर मे जहां पर भी आपने अपना xampp डाला होगा उसमे जाएं। जैसे मैने यहां डाला है C:\server मे और आपको जाना है htdocs फ़ोल्डर मे। जैसे मै यहां जाउंगा। C:\server\xampp\htdocs और ईस फोल्डर मे जो भी हो उसे डिलीट कर दें और उसमे आप अपना फाईल, स्क्रिप्ट डाल कर चलाईये।

index.php या index.html डालेंगे तो ब्राउजर मे http://localhost  खोलने पर सिधे आपका index पेज दिखेगा।

पार्ट 1 पोस्ट यहां है

- JMD Computer                                                       Give Comment


Thursday, November 26, 2009

अपने कंप्युटर को सर्वर मे कैसे बदलें? - PHP,MySQL सभी कूछ चलेगा।

क्या आप कोई स्क्रिप्ट या साईट अपने कंप्युटर मे ही चलाना चाहते हैं? या कोई साईट बना रहे हैं और उसमे आपको बार बार वो साईट खोल कर देखना पड रहा है की पेज मे क्या बदला है?  अगर हां तो अब टाईम बर्बाद करना बंद करें।

ये सिर्फ पेज बनाने, स्क्रिप्ट चलाने के ही काम नही आता आप ईसमे FTP,PHP,MySQL,Apache आदी सभी सिख सकते हैं वो भी अपने कंप्युटर  मे।

Direct Tutorial

पहले आपको XAMPP यहां क्लिक कर के डाउन्लोड करना होगा।

  • 32Bit के विन्डोज एक्स-पी प्रयोगकर्ता यहां क्लिक कर के XAMPP डाउन्लोड कर सकते है।

Download Link

डाउन्लोड होने के बाद आप ईस साफ्टवेयर को जहां भी डालना चाहते हैं वहां एक फोल्डर बना लें जैसे मै ईसे यहां  डालने जा रहा हूं


अब XAMPP को रन करें और ईन्स्टालेसन डायरेक्ट्री डालें और ईन्सटाल पर क्लिक कर दें।

स्क्रिन साट:

अब ईंतजार करें ईस्टालेसन पूरा होने का।

DOS खूलेगा और अब आपको प्रशन के जवाब देने हैं। बस आपको मै जसे बता रहा हूं वैसे ही कर दें।

अबर आपके कंप्युटर मे पहले से ही y लिखे आ रहा है तो आपको y दबाने कि जरूरत नही है बस सिधे एन्टर दबा दें।

1.   अगर y पहले से ही लिखा है तो एन्टर दबा दें

2.   फिर एन्टर दबा दें

3.   फिर एन्टर दबाएं और फिर पूछेगा की Press (Return) to continue - एन्टर दबा दें। और एक बार फिर यही कहेगा की Press (Return) to continue - एन्टर दबा दें। अब आपको "1"  दबा कर एन्टर दबाना है।

ईन्सटालेशन पूरा हो गया पर अब आपको ईसको चलाना बता दूं ताकी आप ईसमे MySQL आदी सभी आसानी से बना सकें और उसका पूरी तरह से प्रयोग कर सकें।

आपको एक कंट्रोल पैनल दिख रहा होगा - अगर नही खूला है तो डेस्कटाप पर एक्जेम्प का सार्टकट आईकन होगा उसपर क्लिक कर के एक्जेम्प को खोलें।

अब सबसे पहले आपको Apache के Modules के निचे Svc पर क्लिक कर  के फिर  उसके साईड मे "Start" पर भी क्लिक करना है और हां ईनपर क्लिक करने के बाद आपको कूछ देर तक ईंतजार करना पड सकता है।

अब MySQL के सामने Start पर क्लिक कर दें। जब दोनो Apache और MySQL पर "Running" लिखा होगा तो समझीये सब ठिक है।


अब आपके कंप्युटर के सर्वर का दो एड्रेस है। आप ईसे अपने कंप्युटर पर खोल सकते हैं।


या SSL वाला एड्रेस(अगर SSL प्रयोग करना हो तब)


अगले पोस्ट मे बताऊंगा की कैसे MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin का प्रयोग करना है। अगला पोस्ट कुछ ही दिनो मे लिखने वाला हूं....

- JMD Computer                                                       Give Comment


पार्ट 2 पोस्ट यहां है

Saturday, September 5, 2009

WD Share Space Network Storage System

This high-speed network-attached storage system with capacities up to 8 TB and a space-saving footprint gives you all the benefits of a big time data center without the need for a big time IT department. Perfect for centralizing and sharing data and multimedia files on a small office or home network.

Key Features

Big capacity, small footprint - Offered in 2, 4 and 8 TB capacities, this small-footprint four-bay system takes up very little space and provides plenty of storage to go around.

RAID capability - Offers multiple RAID configurations for data protection and speed -- RAID 0 (Striped), RAID 1 (Mirrored) and RAID 5. The RAID 5 mode, only available on the fully-populated 4-drive system, is the recommended mode to achieve both high-performance and data protection through redundancy.

The 4 and 8 TB WD ShareSpace systems are shipped in RAID 5 mode for maximum reliability.

The 2 TB WD ShareSpace system is shipped in Spanning Mode for maximum capacity and the flexibility to add additional drives without reformatting the system.

Click Here for Photo Gallery

Find out more about RAID

High-speed access, Ethernet connectivity - Provides data transfer rates up to 1000 Mbit/s when used in a GigE network.

Gigabit networking and transfer rates are five to six times faster than other network storage systems. This performance is comparable to USB 2.0 direct-attached storage.

Easy setup and discovery - An intuitive set-up wizard and easy-to-use discovery tool makes installation a snap.

E-mail alert system - Monitors drive and system health and sends you an e-mail if a problem is detected.

Stream digital media anywhere in your home - Built-in media server for streaming music, photos and movies to any DLNA certified multimedia device such as Playstation® 3, Xbox 360®, wireless digital picture frames, and connected audio receivers. DLNA 1.5 & UPnP certified.

iTunes® server support - Centralize your music collection and stream to a Mac® or Windows® PC using iTunes software.

Build your collection - Centralize digital media from all your computers into one vast media library. Now anyone can enjoy your collection from anywhere in your home.

Microsoft Active Directory support - Will join an Active Directory domain to utilize AD users and groups.

Push-button transfer - Plug a USB drive into the front-mounted USB 2.0 port and push a button to automatically transfer all the data on the drive to the WD ShareSpace system.

Automatic network backup software - Set up continuous backup for the computers* in your network using the included automatic backup software. Select the files you want to back up, then set it and forget it; every time you save a change it's automatically backed up. *3 software licenses included.

Remote access software - Access your files anywhere, anytime using MioNet remote access services from WD.

Download manager - Supports scheduled download through FTP and HTTP. Simultaneously manage multiple download tasks.

Windows Vista™ certified - Works seamlessly with Windows Vista to provide easy setup and automatic discovery.

Built-in FTP server - Set up your own FTP server. Manage the access authority and share your files with your friends or customers easily.

Three USB 2.0 ports - Two USB ports on the back to connect additional USB hard drives for backup or additional network storage. One USB port on the front for push button transfer.

Cooler, quieter, eco-friendlier -
Equipped with WD drives using WD GreenPower Technology, this system, with its efficient cooling architecture, and power saving mode, consumes up to 33% less power**, is reliably cool, and remarkably quiet.
** Tests based on comparison between a 1 TB dual-drive system using 7200 RPM drives and a 1 TB dual-drive system using WD’s GreenPower drives.

Power failure protection - Connect this system to your Universal Power Supply (UPS). If a power failure occurs, the system will shut down gracefully, protecting you from data loss.

Easy maintenance - Add or swap out drives quickly and easily.

Network storage manager - Manage your system configuration, create user IDs, passwords, security permissions, and quotas.

Ideal For

For small workgroups of 5 to 10 this system offers compact, centralized storage, accessible from anywhere.


  • Windows® Vista/XP/2000
  • Mac OS X 10.4.11+, 10.5.2+

Compatibility may vary depending on user’s hardware configuration and operating system.

Click Here for Photo Gallery

Package Contents

  • Network storage system with RAID (populated with 2 or 4 hard drives)
  • Ethernet cable
  • 2 hard drive mounting rails (for 2-drive models)
  • AC adapter
  • Software CD
  • Quick Install Guide

Performance Specifications

Serial Transfer Rate

USB 2.0

Serial Bus Transfer Rate (USB 2.0)                 480 Mb/s (Max)

Transfer Rates

Ethernet                                         10/100/1000 Mb/s capable

Physical Specifications

Capacity                                                                      4 TB

Interface                                                               Ethernet

Physical Dimensions


Height                                                               7.73 Inches

Length                                                              7.84 Inches

Width                                                                6.30 Inches

Weight                                                           10.78 Pounds


Height                                                                 196.2 mm

Length                                                                199.2 mm

Width                                                                  160.1 mm
Weight                                                                      4.9 kg

Environmental Specifications

Temperature (English)

Operating                                                         41° F to 95° F

Non-operating                                                 -4° F to 149° F

Temperature (Metric)

Operating                                                        5° C to 35° C

Non-operating                                              -20° C to 65° C

Electrical Specifications

Current Requirements

Power Dissipation

AC Input Voltage                                            100-240 VAC

AC Input Frequency                                              47-63 Hz

As used for storage capacity, one megabyte (MB) = one million bytes, one gigabyte (GB) = one billion bytes, and one terabyte (TB) = one trillion bytes. Total accessible capacity varies depending on operating environment. As used for buffer or cache, one megabyte (MB) = 1,048,576 bytes. As used for transfer rate or interface, megabyte per second (MB/s) = one million bytes per second, megabit per second (Mb/s) = one million bits per second, and gigabit per second (Gb/s) = one billion bits per second.

Click Here for Photo Gallery

- JMD Computer India

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tack Ownership of your website

Welcome to Site Grinder 2

                                A brilliant idea in web design.image

Right inside Photoshop, create stunning CSS-rich, standards compliant websites  using your own designs, and without writing a single line of code. SiteGrinder2 does it all in just minutes, and even lets you build automated photo galleries, Flash slideshows, CSS-driven menus, and so much more, into your website. Best of all, your gorgeous designs remain looking just as you created them ... gorgeous. Here’s how it works.

Challenge: Beautifully Designed Websites Are Difficult To Create

image It’s not easy to actually build a beautiful website that matches a design created in an application like Photoshop. Photoshop gives an artist total design freedom, but that’s not the case with Web code. The Web uses many confusing technologies, none of which place emphasis on design integrity. As a result, those who are good at Photoshop struggle with creating WebPages, and they don’t want to spend months or years learning confusing programming code like XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more, just to create a halfway decent looking website.

Solution: Create WebPages In Photoshop!

imageSite Grinder 2 turns Adobe Photoshop into an easy-to-use and powerful website  design and production tool. It’s true! In fact, a Site Grinder 2-equipped designer with no HTML expertise needs only their Photoshop skills to go from design concept to full deployment of a professional, standards-compliant website in just minutes with no programming whatsoever … and they do it all from within Photoshop. Site Grinder 2 takes care of everything, even ensuring cross-platform browser compatibility. Best of all, pages created with Site Grinder 2 retain the exact look and layout of the parent Photoshop file from which they were created.


It’s Super Easy: Name Some Layers And Create A Websiteimage

You know Photoshop. Site Grinder 2 knows CSS, HTML, Web image formats, and  much more. All you have to do is tell Site Grinder 2 about special layers, like buttons, by adding “Hints” to your layer names. To the right you see the words “button”, “rollover”, and “popup” in the layer names.

Those are Hints, and they’re the only things required to create a website that’s as gorgeous as your design. Once you’ve added a few Hints to your layer names, just launch the Site Grinder 2 plug-in and it’ll build your page in minutes with just a click of the mouse.

The Results Speak For Themselves

image There’s nothing complicated about it. Just create your web design in Photoshop, add Hints to your layer names, and before you know it, you have a fully functional, CSS-rich, standards compliant webpage. Site Grinder 2 does all the complicated stuff for you with just a mouse click. You can even add Flash animations, slideshows, and much more to your WebPages. Doing so is a breeze. And the best part is that your gorgeous designs remain looking just as you created them … gorgeous.



- JMD Computer

* if Link is Broken, fill free form click here with Link Details.


Saturday, May 30, 2009


NetBeans - Development Simplified

A free, open-source Integrated Development Environment for software developers. You get all the tools you need to create professional desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications with the Java language, C/C++, and even dynamic languages such as PHP, JavaScript, Groovy, and Ruby. NetBeans IDE is easy to install and use straight out of the box and runs on many platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris.

NetBeans logo                           NB DVD Order logo

The NetBeans IDE 6.5 provides several new features and enhancements, such as rich PHP, JavaScript and Ajax editing features, improved support for using the Hibernate web framework and the Java Persistence API, and tighter GlassFish v3 and MySQL integration.


NetBeans Supported Technologies

Ajax | C/C++ | Databases | Debugger | Desktop | Editor | Groovy | GUI Builder | Java EE | JavaFX | Java ME | Java SE | JavaScript | Mobile | PHP | Profiler | Python | Refactor | REST | Rich Client Platform | Ruby | SOA | SOAP | UML | Web | WSDL | XML


Download Java SE and NetBeans Cobundle (JDK 6u13 and NB 6.5.1) for Windows, Multi-language          

- JMD Computer

* if Link is Broken, fill free form click here with Link Details.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Download Remoteus Helpdesk


Provide remote support everywhere securely and safely over the Internet.
Reach customers behind firewalls and NAT addresses instantly without programming or configuring anything.

Your customer only has to push one button in the Customer's Program to initiate the remote support connection.


Also the Helpdesk Program follows with you everywhere. You are not tied to providing remote support from your own network only!


You only need to pay for the maximum number of concurrent remote sessions you would like to be able to build between you and your customers. You can have both the Helpdesk and the customer's programs installed on any number of PCs you like.

Give instant remote support to your customers or remotely demo your own new software.

Make your and your customers' business easier.

Here is link to download Remoteus Helpdesk:


Here is link to download Remoteus Customer´s program:


Here is link to download Remoteus Customer´s program, that requires only guest rights for installation


- JMD Computer

* if Link is Broken, fill free form click here with Link Details.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Modix HD3510: Fully Adequate DVD Player Replacement

At first glance, the white box of the Modix player looks like a normal external hard drive case. On the front is a large display and lots of function buttons, while the A/V and USB ports can be found on the back, where you can also attach an external power supply. Once you turn on the device, a menu structure will appear on the hard-to-read display. You can navigate either with the remote control or using the many buttons on the front.

Package information , Package Contents


The player can be controlled without a remote control, using the buttons

The remote control is pleasant to hold

Some buttons on the remote control have no functions


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