Showing posts with label Operating Systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Operating Systems. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2012

Aakash 2 project aimed at democratising technology

The Centre said "Aakash 2" project was aimed at "democratising technology" in the country. Aakash is a low-cost tablet PC. The world's cheapest tablet PC was launched in October last by Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal. Aakash 2 is the upgraded version of the tablet. "The project is aimed at democratising technology in the country. The focus is on service to citizens and how a Government will interface directly with public without any human interference," said Union Minister of State for Communications Sachin Pilot. He was addressing silver jubilee celebrations of the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) here. Hailing...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3: wireless charging a possibility

Reports from Korea suggest the Samsung Galaxy S3 may come with wireless charging capabilities allowing you to say goodbye to that fiddly night-time plug in ritual. According to an anonymous source, Korean publication DDaily says it has been told that the hotly-anticipated Galaxy S3 will allow users to do away with wires as it will arrive with a built in inductive charger. The source goes on to say that the Galaxy S3 will be able to charge from a distance of 1-2 meters from the charger base. Look mum, no wires! Wireless charging is nothing new, with a variety of cases and charging mats currently available on the market to suit a range of handsets...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

How to install android OS on PC

Recently, we’ve been hard at work improving Android Market to give you new ways to find great applications and games, purchase books, and rent movies. Today, we’re releasing a new version of Android Market which makes all of these available on phones (Android 2.2 and higher). In the U.S., you’ll be able to rent thousands of movies, starting at $1.99, right from Android Market on your phone. With the Videos app, available in Android Market, there’s no more waiting for downloads, syncing, or worrying about storage space. Simply sign into Android Market with your Google account, and you can rent movies from anywhere – the web, or your Android phone...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

China renews operating license of Google

China said that it has renewed Google's license to operate in the world's largest online market, after the US company last year moved its Chinese search engine overseas in protest over censorship. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology named Google's China website operator, Beijing Guxiang Information Technology Co. Ltd., as one of 137 firms whose licenses were renewed following adjustments in their operations. The ministry had ordered the adjustments after some firms had changed shareholding structures without official permission, provided services beyond their approved business range or had lax information security controls. The...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

ViewSonic ViewPad 10 tablet review

The first dual-boot tablet is surely worth a look, but needs a price cut.  There are a lot of tablets that have been launched in India within the past few months and more are on the verge of being launched. Most tablet manufacturers have chosen to go with Android as the operating system, whereas few others have chosen Windows 7. However, ViewSonic comes with a tablet that dual boots both operating system, that almost provides the user best of both sides. Looks & Ergonomics The ViewPad 10 is not the slimmest or the sexiest tablet out there, but its got a vibrant 10.1” display. There are three touch sensitive buttons on the matte...

BELKIN Play Max wireless router

One of the best routers available today with just one flaw. The name ‘Play Max’ raised our expectation before we actually tested this IEEE 802.11n based router and when we did it we were not at all disappointed, in fact disappointment came from other features.  Once out of box what you have in hand is a compact clean looking router with hidden antennas and single indicator light and WPS button in front for hassle free secure connection setup. Number of connection ports at back is where Play Max has edge when compared with other similar products; there are 5 gigabit ports (1xWAN, 4xLAN) which would be ample for any wired connection plus...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

XPRSS – easy to use feed reader for BlackBerry

XPRSS is a fast, clean and easy to use feed reader for BlackBerry smartphone users. There are very few feed readers available in the market which can come anyway near XPRSS. XPRSS comes preloaded with variety of feed categories. You can easily add new feeds of your choice. Variety of options are available for the user to choose from. One can add feeds to the reader directly using the feed url or just by giving the main website address and it will automatically find the feed location. The most useful feature of it is it also allows the user to import feeds using OPML. So if you are an existing google feed reader user or using some other...

Friday, March 4, 2011

SvcHost Exe process info & virus details

What is an SVCHost.exe file? & What is it doing in your task manager? An svchost.exe file is a windows generic host process & is there for a good reason, This files is a native integral part of the windows operating system. It basically supports various windows services running from the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files of windows. The services that may require SVCHOST.Exe include Windows Firewall, Automatic System Updates, Windows themes , Plug and play, Fax & printer services & many more. These services ideally start automatically when the windows system starts. These files are found in all windows operating systems launched...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fingerprint Time Attendance System - Time Counts In Office

Fingerprint Time Clock and Recorder to be used as a business clocking in/out  system for employees. No more cards, no more paperwork, no more hassle! This digital fingerprint access terminal and data logger registers finger prints for time management and can also work as an authorized personnel access device (door unlocking) when attached to electronic doors. For Employment - The purpose of this device is to help employers and employees more easily record daily time worked. This model fingerprint time attendance unit helps companies to manage attendance records more easily (it comes with professional attendance software that lets you...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Steps to Protect Your Computer..!!

1. Turn on automatic updates. After installing your operating system, you usually forget to pay attention on operating system updates. If your operating system is not updated for protection against loopholes and security threats found after you installed it, your computer may be vulnerable to outside world. Hackers can get access to your computer by using these loopholes and they can do anything with your computer. So, to keep you safe, turn on automatic updates. When automatic updates are turned on your operating system is updated frequently and you will be safe from unwanted trouble. You can turn on automatic updates from Control Panel => Security Center => Automatic Updates. You must be logged in as Administrator to change this setting. 2. Turn on Windows Firewall. Windows Firewall...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Nokia N900 Linux smartphone

Review Once the unequalled leader among mobile phone manufacturers, Nokia still returns impressive sales, but ceded its dominance of the smartphone market with the arrival of the iPhone. It's been playing catch-up ever since, sticking rigidly to a Symbian OS that only seemed to grow older looking with each new device. Symbian successor? Nokia's N900 Now, with the N900, Nokia is trying something new, with a brand new OS in Maemo 5 – a slimmed down version of Debian Linux – plus a host of top-end features, including a sizeable 3.5in touch screen, slide-out Qwerty keyboard, 5Mp camera with Carl Zeiss optics, Wi-Fi, A-GPS, quad-band and much...

Samsung Omnia Pro GT-B7610

Review Samsung clearly has high hopes for its latest round of Windows Mobile-powered Omnia smartphones. The Omnia II was a significant improvement over last year's original, due in no small part to Windows Mobile 6.5, which offers a big leap in usability over previous editions of WinMo. The Omnia Pro maintains a high level of functionality, with an eye on business customers. Split personality: Samsung's Omnia Pro With a 5Mp camera, HSDPA 3G, Wi-Fi, A-GPS and Samsung's TouchWiz interface, the Omnia Pro also features a slide-out Qwerty keyboard and an alternative interface. At 113 x 58 x 17mm and 165g, the Omnia Pro is considerably chunkier...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Letter from Sardarji to Mr. Bill Gates

Letter from SARDARJI TO MR. BILL GATES OF MICROSOFT subject: Problems with my new computer Dear Mr. Bill Gates, We have bought a computer for our home and we have found some problems, which I want to bring to your notice. 1. There is a button 'start' but there is no 'stop' button.. We request you to check this. 2. We find there is 'Run' in the menu. One of my friends clicked 'run' he ran up to Amritsar ! So, we request you to change that to 'sit', so that we can click that by sitting. 3. One doubt is whether any 're-scooter' is available in system? I find only 're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home. 4. There is 'Find' button but it is not working properly. My wife lost the door key and we tried a lot trace the key with this ' find' button, but was unable to trace. Please rectify...

Friday, November 27, 2009

अपने कंप्युटर को सर्वर मे बदलें(पार्ट 2) - mysql - php कैसे चलाएं?

मैने पिछले पोस्ट मे बताया था की कैसे XAMPP ईंस्टाल करते हैं और अब MySQL, डाटाबेस बनाना और उसका प्रयोग कैसे करना है वो बताने जा रहा हूं। पहले "XAMPP Control Panel" को ओपन करें और Apache के साईड मे Modules लिखा होगा उसके निचे Svc लिखा होगा उसपर क्लिक कर के ओके करना है।  फिर अपाची को स्टार्ट करना है और MySQL को भी। स्क्रिन साट: अब अपना ब्राउजर खोलीये और उसमे localhost टाईप कर के एन्टर दबा दें। अगर आपको xampp का पेज दिखता है तो ठिक है फिर आप ये लिंक अपने ब्राउजर मे खोलीये http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php अब उसमे आपको MySQL SuperUser: का पास्वर्ड सेट करना है। New password: root Repeat the new password: root Note:-...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


~~~*Automated Installation for XP*~~~ Automate The Installation Of Windows XP You can create a CD that can install Windows XP automatically, putting in all the details and answering all the dialog boxes. The secret behind this is the answer file, which tells Windows what to do while it's installing. The answer file can be created using Windows setup manager. Using this tool, you can make the answer file so powerful that you can even tell Windows to include or exclude individual components, set the display resolution, and more. Here's the Steps involved in creating XP Automated Installation Disc: Step 1: To begin with, insert your Windows XP installation CD into the drive and copy the entire contents of the CD to a new folder on your hard disk. Step 2: Navigate to the Support >...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Update your Windows XP drivers

Fast, quick and easy, DriverScanner boosts computer performance by scanning for, downloading and then installing updates for all your device drivers including: Monitor, mouse, keyboard, CD/DVD Sound & graphics cards Motherboard & BIOS, USB, Modem & network adapters Camera, printer, scanner & other plug and play devices What are drivers?Drivers are snippets of software that are needed for your Windows operating system to communicate with each of the hardware devices that are connected to your computer. Why should I update my drivers?Like any software, drivers are upgraded and updated by the manufacturers, to remove bugs, add...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Update Checker

What is it? The Update Checker will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to Site to see if there are any newer releases. These are then neatly displayed in your browser for you to download. Please note that not all programs are supported. But it gets better... The client is FREE, just over 100kb to download and only takes seconds to run! In fact on our test machines the process is complete in under 2 seconds! What are the requirements? The Update Checker works on any Windows PC running Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME or 98. It requires that the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is installed,...

रजिस्ट्री एडिटर, क्लीनर, टास्क मेनेजर, सिस्टम स्पीडर टूल

Windows Doctor is a top professional program on the security protection and system optimization of the Windows operating system. It thoroughly scans patch vulnerabilities, Startup items, plug-ins, services and processes, etc., in the system with its rapid and stable search engine to diagnose possible security threats and protect your system from the threats of spyware, adware, Trojans and viruses. Windows Doctor also provides functions such as Registry Cleanup, Privacy Cleanup, System Speed-Up and Advanced Tools. They help you clean up garbage information in the registry, protect your privacy, make your computer run more stable and with...

नया Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2

माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के एक उपयोगी उत्पाद का नया वर्जन 38 एमबी आकार में । ये तकनीकी रूप में कहें तो कोड प्रोग्रामिंग मॉडल है जो .नेट में बनाये प्रोग्राम को support करता है आपके पास अगर कोई ऐसा प्रोग्राम है जो .नेट में बनाया गया है तो उसे चलाने का विन्डोज़ द्वारा दिया गया प्लेटफोर्म है । जैसे जावा प्लेटफोर्म उसमे बनाये सॉफ्टवेर को सपोर्ट करता है । (जैसा सतीश जी ने बताया ) ये vjRn विन्डोज़ एक्सपी 3 या उससे ऊपर के वर्जन के लिए है । यहाँ क्लिक कर डाउनलोड करें ।   - JMD Computer                                                               ...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Error Reporting in XP

If error reporting in XP is bugging you then turn it off. When a system error occurs in XP, a little dialog box appears asking if you want to report the error to Microsoft. Click the message box to make it disappear. You don't have to report the error if you don't want to and on today's "Call for Help" Leo shows you how to turn off the feature if you find it distracting. To disable error reporting, follow these directions: 1. Right-click My Computer and choose Properties. 2. Click the Advanced tab on your System Properties dialog box. 3. Click the Error Reporting button on the Advanced tab. 4. Place a checkmark next to "Disable error...

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