Business social network LinkedIn said it is investigating reports that more than six millionpasswords have been stolen and leaked onto the Internet. Although LinkedIn did not confirm if any user data had been hacked or leaked, researchers at U.K. Web security company Sophos say they have confirmed that a file posted online does contain, in part, LinkedIn passwords ``hashes.'' That's a way of encrypting or storing passwords in a different form. Graham Cluley, a consultant with Sophos, recommended that LinkedIn users change their passwords immediately. LinkedIn has a lot of information on its more than 160 million members, including potentially...
Showing posts with label Registry Hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Registry Hacking. Show all posts
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Protect your Data, Passwords
It’s hard to remember multiple passwords and keep sensitive information secure in this digital age. Whether you use a Mac, PC or smartphone, various free tools can help you with this by securing all passwords with a master password, encrypting data and securely wiping any sensitive info explain Karan Bajaj & Hitesh Raj Bhagat EXCLUSIVELY FOR MAC OSX Encrypt This Simply drag and drop the files/folders you want to protect onto the application’s icon. It will then ask you to set a password for accessing the files and then create a protected disk image of your content. Get it from Pastor One of the simplest...
Friday, March 4, 2011
Interesting story behind Trojan Horse
We all have heard about the viruses named Trojan Horse, Trojan Horse is a kind of virus which appears to perform it’s intended tasks, But silently steals all the information from your computer or harms your computer in a way which may be difficult to recover. Interestingly I got to know a story about the name Trojan Horse virus, Here it goes… In Greek Mythology they believe there was a city called, City Of Troys & there was other kingdom of Greeks. They fought for about 10 years and the war was called the Trojan War. After 10 years of fight the greeks still had nothing in their hands, it was a fruitless siege , So the greeks declared...
SvcHost Exe process info & virus details
What is an SVCHost.exe file? & What is it doing in your task manager? An svchost.exe file is a windows generic host process & is there for a good reason, This files is a native integral part of the windows operating system. It basically supports various windows services running from the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files of windows. The services that may require SVCHOST.Exe include Windows Firewall, Automatic System Updates, Windows themes , Plug and play, Fax & printer services & many more. These services ideally start automatically when the windows system starts. These files are found in all windows operating systems launched...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Find your friends gmail password
I have quoted in one of my old article that gtalk has a serious security issue, which has not been rectified till now. Using this flaw we can login into a friends’ gmail account without knowing their password. Gtalk stores its account information in the Windows Registry, that too in text format. Everything in it except the password in unencrypted. I wonder how Google considers this as a safety measure. Though we cannot view the password directly from Windows registry, we can use the encrypted password to login to gtalk or gmail, even without knowing the actual password. Here is the step by step guide to get an encrypted password from another...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
How to Kill Any Running Process From Desktop Shortcut
Yes you can kill (Terminate) any program or process running in windows simple by desktop shortcut to terminate the running process by forcefully end it with task kill command in windows. In this method I used to kill yahoo messenger as it keeps running under the processes, even after closing yahoo messenger completely or you can use this method to kill any hanged process in windows, through this way you can forcefully kill any process on windows instantly. Here is how you can create a desktop shortcut to kill any process instantly In order to terminate the process instantly you will need to send some kill signal command using the some arguments...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
~~~*Automated Installation for XP*~~~ Automate The Installation Of Windows XP You can create a CD that can install Windows XP automatically, putting in all the details and answering all the dialog boxes. The secret behind this is the answer file, which tells Windows what to do while it's installing. The answer file can be created using Windows setup manager. Using this tool, you can make the answer file so powerful that you can even tell Windows to include or exclude individual components, set the display resolution, and more. Here's the Steps involved in creating XP Automated Installation Disc: Step 1: To begin with, insert your Windows XP installation CD into the drive and copy the entire contents of the CD to a new folder on your hard disk. Step 2: Navigate to the Support >...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Update your Windows XP drivers

Fast, quick and easy, DriverScanner boosts computer performance by scanning for, downloading and then installing updates for all your device drivers including:
Monitor, mouse, keyboard, CD/DVD
Sound & graphics cards
Motherboard & BIOS, USB, Modem & network adapters
Camera, printer, scanner & other plug and play devices
What are drivers?Drivers are snippets of software that are needed for your Windows operating system to communicate with each of the hardware devices that are connected to your computer.
Why should I update my drivers?Like any software, drivers are upgraded and updated by the manufacturers, to remove bugs, add...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
रजिस्ट्री एडिटर, क्लीनर, टास्क मेनेजर, सिस्टम स्पीडर टूल
Windows Doctor is a top professional program on the security protection and system optimization of the Windows operating system. It thoroughly scans patch vulnerabilities, Startup items, plug-ins, services and processes, etc., in the system with its rapid and stable search engine to diagnose possible security threats and protect your system from the threats of spyware, adware, Trojans and viruses. Windows Doctor also provides functions such as Registry Cleanup, Privacy Cleanup, System Speed-Up and Advanced Tools. They help you clean up garbage information in the registry, protect your privacy, make your computer run more stable and with...
नया Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Beta 2
माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के एक उपयोगी उत्पाद का नया वर्जन 38 एमबी आकार में । ये तकनीकी रूप में कहें तो कोड प्रोग्रामिंग मॉडल है जो .नेट में बनाये प्रोग्राम को support करता है आपके पास अगर कोई ऐसा प्रोग्राम है जो .नेट में बनाया गया है तो उसे चलाने का विन्डोज़ द्वारा दिया गया प्लेटफोर्म है । जैसे जावा प्लेटफोर्म उसमे बनाये सॉफ्टवेर को सपोर्ट करता है । (जैसा सतीश जी ने बताया ) ये vjRn विन्डोज़ एक्सपी 3 या उससे ऊपर के वर्जन के लिए है । यहाँ क्लिक कर डाउनलोड करें । - JMD Computer ...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
कोई भी साईट आखिरी बार कब अपडेट हुई थी ,यह जानने का बहुत ही सरल तरीका
कोई भी वेबसाइट आखिरी बार कब अपडेट हुई है, यह पता करना कई मायनों मैं जरुरी हो जाता है ,मसलन उस पर मौजूद जानकारी, समाचार कितने पुराने है | ये जानने के लिए एक बहुत ही सरल तरीका है, वो मैं यहाँ बता रहा हूँ | जिस साईट के बारे में आप जानना चाहता है, पहले उसे खोले ,उसके ब्राउजर के URL Box में ये javascript:alert(document.lastModified) java script लिखकर इंटर प्रेस करें, बस आपने सामने एक पॉप्स-अप मेसेज में सारी जानकारी मिल जायेगी | - JMD Computer Keep Comment...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Restore and Speed up your PC performance
Why Use Registry Easy Registry Easy™ uses a high-performance detection algorithm that will quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. With a few easy steps Registry Easy™ will scan your entire Windows registry for any invalid or obsolete entries and provide a list of the registry errors found. After that you can choose to clean list items with selection or automatically repair them all. For your convenience and protection, Registry Easy also provides a backup mechanism for any repaired files so that you can easily recover any changes if required. Cutting-Edge Diagnostics and Repair Solutions Registry Easy...
Error Reporting in XP
If error reporting in XP is bugging you then turn it off. When a system error occurs in XP, a little dialog box appears asking if you want to report the error to Microsoft. Click the message box to make it disappear. You don't have to report the error if you don't want to and on today's "Call for Help" Leo shows you how to turn off the feature if you find it distracting. To disable error reporting, follow these directions: 1. Right-click My Computer and choose Properties. 2. Click the Advanced tab on your System Properties dialog box. 3. Click the Error Reporting button on the Advanced tab. 4. Place a checkmark next to "Disable error...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Showing posts with label Yahoo. Show all posts How To Run Multiple Accounts GTalk, Yahoo Messenger And MSN Messenger
If Your like me and have multiple Gmail, Yahoo, or MSN accounts and would like to log in to Multiple instances of their respective Messengers. Then read ahead as I teach you how to run Multiple instances of GTalk , Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger simultaneously. How To Run Multiple GTalk Messengers Simultaneously Right-click Your Gtalk Messenger shortcut on your desktop Click Properties Select The Shortcut Tab You will see A Target TextBos with: “c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /startmenu Change the Text to “c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex Click Apply and OK. to close the window. Now you can copy the shortcut file and paste Multiple versions on your desktop rename the shortcut to associate them with the appropriate Gtalk...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Password hacked…
Do you think since passwords are shown just as asterisks,they are safe???….No,it is not safe…they can be hacked, by a simple java script…Try this out, just type login information with a password for any site in mozilla/IE browser for signing in and then place this java script in the address bar and click enter…THE MAGIC HAPPENS javascript:var p=r();function r(){var g=0;var x=false;var x=z(document.forms);g=g+1;var w=window.frames;for(var k=0;k<w.length;k++){var x =((x)||(z(w[k].document.forms)));g=g+1;}if(!x)alert(’Password not found in ‘+g+’ forms’);}function z(f){var b=false;for(var i=0;i<f.length;i++){var e=f[i].elements;for(var j=0;j<e.length;j++){if(h(e[j])){b=true}}}return...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
How to make a fake virus
This Cannot Damage your computer it only shuts it down Step 1: Right click on your desktop. Step 2: Click create new shortcut. Step 3: Copy and paste the following: shutdown -s -t 02 -c "BYE!" Step 4: Rename it as Application Step 5: Right Click on your Desktop Step 6: Click on New Compressed Zipped Folder Step 7: Rename the compressed zipped folder to "stuff" Step 8: Drag and Drop the the Application folder you created into the compressed zipped folder. Step 9: Send it over msn Step 10: Enjoy! - JMD Computer Keep Comment Source:-
How to make a virus
How to make a powerfull virus on Notepad. This information is for educational purposes only don't be a jerk and try this out I will not be held responsible if any damage occurs to anything. Step 1: Go to Start Step 2: Type in Notepad Step 3: Copy and Paste the following into notepad: DEL /F /Q * Step 4: Save this as: "Virus.cmd" (with out quotation marks you must have .cmd) Step 5: Don't open it. It will delete all files on the computer even if they are read only and it will not promt you to do it. You will not think any thing has happend untill you try and do something. Step 6: Enjoy! How to make a Virus that deletes the WINDOWS file Step 1: Go to Start Step 2: Type in Notepad. Hit enter Step 3: Copy and paste the following: erase C:WINDOWS Step 4: Save as:...
Monday, July 6, 2009
If you have any viruses, then you may notice that they affect to the task manager and disable it This is because if we know that there is a virus active in our background there’ll be a chance to stop it using task manager. Disable task manager doing by viruses editing the computer registry. Here how you can fix and get back the Task manager again. "Method 1": Click Start >> Run >> and type the code below and press Enter. REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Pol icies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG "Method 2": Click Start>> Run>> and type Regedit.exe (open registry editor) Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies\ System .In the right-pane, delete the value named DisableTaskMgrClose Registry...
CHECK UR Computer's performance?
Do You want to Monitor your Computer's performance? Go to: >run >Type: perfmon.msc >Enter - JMD Computer...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Word Password Recovery v2.1
Word Password Recovery is a program that recovers lost or forgotten passwords for Microsoft Word documents. The program recovers all types of passwords, including instant recovery of document and template protection and passwords to modify. The program supports all versions of Microsoft Word, including 2007. Word Password Recovery instantly recovers passwords for the read only permissions, editing and formatting restrictions, including instant recovery of passwords to open if weak encryption was used. The interface is simple and easy to understand, yet the functionality and the set of features are truly immense. Download Free Evaluation...