We've been running online computer resale, repair and recycling companies for a number of years and throughout the whole period, the most important (and I can't stress this enough) part of the operation has been the protection of personal and corporate data/ information. This cannot be stressed enough. Everything from replying to emails to surfing the web and recycling/ disposing of your computer exposes you to fraud and identity theft.The most overlooked portion of a computer's life is that of its disposal and the protection of the data on its hard drive. Skipping or binning your computer without first thinking about the safety of your personal information is simply crazy. It's like throwing your credit card in the garbage bin without first cutting it up.Using a professional recycling service...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Protect Your Data with an External Backup Drive
Computers are a very important part of our society, both in a business environment and personally. Having a home computer has been very common for both fun and work purposes. It is common to have pictures saved on your computer as well as some of your financial information. Losing data due to a virus or computer crash can be devastating. The process of recovering all that information is very time consuming and expensive.In many such instances the data is simply lost forever. If you have important information that you don’t want to be without you need to protect yourself now. Too many people wait to invest in an external backup drive until after they have experienced such a loss. You will find them readily available for desktop and laptop computers. With an external backup drive, the data...