Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sanket and Swapnil Barot


Monday, December 8, 2008


A virus is a program that gets on your hard drive and deletes programs. One will also lock up files. Some will delete your passwords. Every virus does something different. Some viruses have weird names such as groovier, Jack the Ripper and tequila. The way the viruses are made is through programming computer programs such as COBOL, basic, c, and, Java. You should be careful when you download something from the Internet because it may have a virus. Opening E-mail can also transfer viruses. You should have an antivirus program on your computer. One example of a network antivirus program is LANDesk. Two of the more popular personal programs are McAfee and Norton. One bad virus is Sunday-1 On Sundays; the virus displays the following message: "Today is Sunday! Why do you work so hard? All work...
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