Monday, January 26, 2009

3 + 1 things to check before buying a second hand PC

If you’re planning to buy a new Second hand PC for you or for someone you know. Be careful many dismay buyers with their words which aren’t true. here are a few must check before buying the Second hand PC to ensure that you don’t buy an outdated PC and also to make sure that they are in good condition for long.1. First and foremost check whether the computer is in working condition.2.Ask the dealer or the one from whom you are buying, for proper purchase details and a valid bill to ensure that you are not going to buy a smuggled or a stolen PC.3. Make sure you collect all the essential Drivers and Operating System CD or DVD for later use. You...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Open Blocked Websites....

Steps are described as follows :-1. Go to Google 2.Type transparent free proxy address free3.Click on the transparent proxy fresh transparent proxy list4.Look for a proxy address with port 80805.Now go to tools menu of internet explorer6.Go to internet options7.connections Activate use a proxy server for ur LAN options9.Put that number that you found in the website with 8080 port and hit Ok10.Again Ok Now open any websites. ...........Enjoy Moments of Life Make it LargeArticle Source:-

Essential Web Development Tools

Developing a successful web site takes a great deal of planning and preparation. An important part of your preparation is obtaining the essential tools of the trade.HTML EditorsAn HTML editor is a software program used to create and edit HTML documents.Although some Internet marketers prefer to write their own HTML code, most prefer to use an HTML editor, as it can greatly simplify a somewhat difficult process. However, using an HTML editor has its disadvantages, as some editors have a tendency to add a lot of unnecessary coding and may not support the latest technologies.Whether you will be writing your own HTML or using an editor, taking the time to learn HTML is very important. Not only will you gain your independence, but you'll also have the ability to add special effects that many HTML...

Web Design Tips

While designing web sites it is important to keep in the mind the platform, popularly used web browsers and of course the users. One more important element of website design is search engines compatibility, since eventually the search engines will index the site to present it to the users in a search. How much the search engines give importance to your website depends a lot on the how the website is designed.These tips will help web designers to justify what is stated above.1) Use colors carefully such that they are brand appropriate or do justice to whatever the site is providing. This applies to the text, text fonts, background and the content provided.2) Use tag lines, which highlight the essential features of the site and catch the attention of the readers, since visitors do not read...

Multiple login in yahoo

You can login with multiple id's on the same yahoo messenger without any download or patch . Follow these steps :1. Go to Start ----> Run . Type regedit, then enter . 2.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER --------> Software --->yahoo ----->pager---->Test 3.On the right page , right-click and choose new Dword value . 4.Rename it as Plural. 5.Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.Its done!! Now close registry and restart yahoo messenger and try Multiple LoginArticle Source:-


Sometimes some of your friends who appear offline in yahoo messenger may not be actually offline, they may in the 'Invisible' mode. This maybe if they are trying to ignore you or are too busy to talk to anyone. There is this small trick that you can use to find out what the truth is. Firstly open your yahoo messenger main window and double click on the name of the person whom you want to check. The chat window will open obviously.Click IMVironment button, select See all IMVironments, select Yahoo! Tools or Interactive Fun, and click on Doodle. After loading the Doodle imvironment there can...

Make Mp3 Files Smaller Without Losing Quality

If you don't already have a copy of MusicMatch Jukebox, download one from The "Plus" version has more features and burns CDs faster, but the free version works just fine for converting files1. Install music match box and then restart your computer if it asks2. open music matchbox and click file convert files3. in the bottom right hand corner called 'destination type' change it to mp3 can edit the bitrate but the higher the bitrate the bigger the size5. choose the songs you want to convert and click start**if you want to try something different repeat step one and 2 and instead of making the destintion type mp3 pro make it 'mp3pro vbr'again the lower the setting the smaller the sizeArticle Source:-

Stand By Icon Disabled

Problem:I reinstalled my windows and now "Stand By" option is Grey out in shutdown dialog box and I can't use it.Sol: Install VGA drivers from your motherboard CD and the option will be enabled. If you don't have the motherboard CD, then go to the manufacturer site and download the required drivers.Article Source:- http://www.tricksystem.c...

When I start my computer, I get error message

"Windows\System32\config\system" file missing or corruptSolution::Boot using Windows Setup CD and enter into "Recovery Console" by pressing "R". Now Log into windows installation and enter admin password. Now give following commands at prompt:copy %windir%\Repair\system %windir%\System32\ConfigIf it doesnt work, then again boot into "Recovery Console" and give following commands:fixmbrbootcfg /scanbootcfg /rebuildfixboot Win XP TweaksSTARTUPArticle Source:- http://www.tricksystem.c...

folder options missing

Open Run and then type "gpedit.msc".Now goto User Configuration >Administrative templates >Windows Component >Windows Explorer.Click on Windows Explorer you will find the 3rd option on the right side of screen "Removes the Folder Option menu item from the Tools menu"Just check it, if it is not configured then change it to enable by double clicking on it and after applying again set it to not configured.I hopes that you will find the option after restarting windows.Article Source:-

Double-clicking any drive opens search option

Solution 1:That's a virus named as ravmon.exe and autorun.infScan first with a good antivirus [Nod32 Recommanded]then try this trick.First show the hidden files and folders options then try this method1. Go to Start-->run and type cmd then click ok2. If u want to remove the infected file from c drive then type C: in command prompt and press enter3. Type autorun.inf and press enterautorun.inf file is opened4. Now type "attrib autorun.inf -s -h -r" and press enter5. Now delete the file by typing"del autorun.inf" and press enter6.Now type autorun.inf and press enter now, u will find no infected autorun.inf file.7. same way do for all other drives then restart ur pcArticle Source:- http://www.tricksystem.c...

Task Manager Disabled

If you are working on Windows XP pro, following steps will help u to enable Task ManagerSOLUTION 1:Click Start --> RunEnter gpedit.msc in the Open box and click OKIn the Group Policy settings window, select User ConfigurationSelect Administrative TemplatesSelect SystemSelect Ctrl+Alt+Delete optionsSelect Remove Task ManagerDouble-click the Remove Task Manager optionDisable that optionSOLUTION 2:Click on Start >> Run and in the Open box type:REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /fClick OK.Article Source:- http://www.tricksystem.c...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How to send email Attachment upto 10 GB?

Do you want to share very large files through Internet and that too, as an e-mail attachment? Seems to be impossible, right? Well, impossible is nothing on the Internet. You can share very large files up to 10 with 10GB with ease, as an e-mail attachment with Sendago. Sendago is a desktop-cum-web utility that allows you to share files that are too large. Sendago is a good alternate for e-mail attachment. You can use Sendago as a standalone application or integrate with outlook, e-mails are sent via outlook but the files are uploaded to sendago server, it provides a 10GB server for free, which means files of virtually unlimited size can be shared....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How Does Email-Faxing Work

The very first Email fax was started on 1997. On June 24, 1997 - PSI Net, the first commercial ISP introduced Internet Paper(SM) a service that sent documents from your desktop PC to any fax machine on the planet through the Internet. Nowadays with the rapid growth of Internet users worldwide, Email fax has become one of the latest technologies that change how people connect to each other. By implementing Email faxing software, users can turn hard copy documents into Email attachment or vise versa, receive hard copy fax in Email format. The appearance of Email faxing reduces the faxing cost greatly and provides a powerful alternative for those...

Searching For the Best VoIP Phone Providers

Telephones occupy a higher plane in the scheme of modern telecommunications technology. One of the most important modes of remote communications, it presents people with a convenient and easy way to touch base with anyone who is not with them. Because of its importance, almost every home in the United States owns at least one line, while there is always a phone ringing in offices and businesses at any time of the day.A newer, but still equally vital, communications channel is the Internet. Developed in the second half of the 20th century, its usage has caught wildfire in the last couple of years, effectively breaking some of the long-held traditions...

IP Phone Services

IP Phone service allows you to make phone calls through Internet. You can reach anybody with a telephone number whether it’s a local, international or mobile number. Some services work only on the computer or through a special IP Phone while some others work even on the traditional phone with the help of an IP adaptor.Apart from the Internet service charges there are no extra charges involved for the calls. There are a number of services that provide this kind of almost free IP calling. The most popular of them are Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, Skype, The Globe and Google Talk. However these free services have certain limitations. They require...

How VoIP Phones Can Connect You to Anywhere in the World

A technological communication breakthrough, the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can let you have voice conversations through a broadband Internet connection or any Internet Protocol-based network instead of a regular phone.The other terms for the VoIP are: IP telephony, broadband telephony, Internet telephony, voice over broadband or broadband phone.There are advantages in choosing to use VoIP over the standard phone line. You automatically receive phone calls once you get connected to the Internet, regardless of the network that you are using. Even during phone conversations, you can still access the other programs in your computer.VoIP...

What is a VoIP Phone Service?

VoIP is a service where voice data is transferred over the Internet just like normal Internet data traffic. VoIP is also known as Internet Telephony or IP telephony. When the Internet connection is a broadband connection, VoIP is usually referred to as Broadband Telephony. Whatever be the terminology used, VoIP phone service is a method of providing voice communication using the Internet infrastructure.VoIP Phone Service uses the existing infrastructure already installed for the Internet and speech signals converted to digital audio are sent in the form of packets. VoIP services can be interfaced with the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and calls can be made to another computer, mobile phone VoIP phone or an ordinary telephone.The services provided by VoIP are similar to those provided...

Eliminate PBX headaches with 3CX IP Phone System!

Evolve your communications with 3CX Phone System for Windows - an IP Phone System that completely replaces your proprietary PBX, supports standard SIP soft/hard phones, VOIP services and traditional PSTN phone lines. 3CX Phone System is far less expensive than a traditional PBX and can reduce call costs substantially by using a VOIP service provider. Its web-based administration makes phone system management easy. 3CX Phone System eliminates the phone wiring network and allows users to hot desk simply by taking their phone. Key Features: Complete phone system - Provides call switching, routing & queueing Purchase cost dramatically lower than a traditional hardware PBX Scaleable - Unlimited extensions and phone lines. No proprietary expansion modules needed! Web based configuration &...


A Quality Product fromNABAR COMMUNICATION & OFFICE AUTOMATION PRODUCTS PVT.LTD.Pune - IndiaDescription : This efficient digital system offers you a vast range of telephony features & modern telecommunication features. FEATURES:- *MONEY SAVING FEATURES-Online Advice of charge, Auto call disconnection, Call Budgeting, Dynamic STD lock, Direct call billing in rupees. *FACILITIES OFFERED- Auto redial 99 times, Paging on key phone, Caller line identification, Caller name & extn. no. on display, Conference upto 3/8 parties, Background music, Direct outward station access, Direct station selection.*NET WORKING FACILITIES-ISDN features, magneto...

Small Business And Home Office Pbx

A good communication system is vital for the success of any business organization. So it will be a wise choice to maintain a PBX system for your small business and home office in order to keep in touch with your clients and business associates round the clock.Economic Alternative to Enhance Your Business Communication The PBX phone system can be easily incorporated into your existing telephone lines. It is an affordable option that will help enhance your business communications. It is different from the traditional PBX system, in that it is not necessary to purchase and mount any expensive PBX hardware at your site. The services are offered by the service providers through a hosted server and so you are charged only minimum monthly service charges. In addition, you are also free from all the...

Automated Pbx Telephone Support System

An automated PBX telephone support system is much sought after by small and medium sized businesses looking for advancement. Such a system facilitates smooth handling of the large number of incoming and outgoing calls within an office structure. PBX or a private branch exchange can be customized according to the requirements of a particular business or corporate.Characteristics of an Automated PBX Telephone System An automated office phone system enables automatic transfer of calls to the user’s extension phone lines without the need of a receptionist. It functions with the backup of a public switched telephone network and the internet and connects the users and callers within a home-based or remote business structure. The calls are effectively channelized to the appropriate extensions utilizing...

Office Phone Systems With PBX Technology

Office phone systems with PBX technology help in the smooth running of any business establishment. These services are mostly used by small and medium sized businesses because these are less expensive than the conventional premise based communication systems. A PBX service can be obtained from a hosted PBX service provider. These systems come with disaster recovery capability; any damage to the public telephone network has little, if no impact on these systems.Advanced Features of an Office Phone System with PBX TechnologyA PBX office phone system enables any small/medium business firm to function just as a big corporate. The auto attendant service in it greets the callers with a professionally recorded welcome greeting. The calls are efficiently handled; without even giving a busy signal,...

How a VOIP Hybrid PBX System Can Improve Your Business Communications

Today's business owners need to completely understand their current phone system before deciding if VOIP is right for them. Businesses that use older phone system technology may not appreciate how much money they're spending on long distance and phone company fees. VOIP and VOIP hybrid PBX systems have had a lot of publicity in the past few years, but are they the right choice for your business?Positive Aspects Of VOIPVOIP works completely different than traditional phone services because they do not rely on the phone company's copper wire network. Because of this, your company's monthly long distance charges are greatly reduced by using a VOIP phone system. Along with the decreased call charges, the costs to manage the network are nearly eliminated. VOIP offers may advanced calling features...

Saving Money with VOIP Hosted PBX Service

There are so many ways that a VOIP Hosted PBX can save you money I can’t begin to cover them all in a short space. However, here a few of the major cost saving aspects of a VoIP Hosted PBX system:Cash Flow - Controlling cash flow is a major factor that determines the ultimate success or failure of any business, regardless if you are a start-up or an established business. Tight control over capital expenditures and operating expense is essential. On average, a VOIP Hosted PBX costs 20-40% less than a premise-based PBX. Also, CAPEX is minimized because you don’t have to “Buy the “Box”.Additionally, because of the way premised based PBX systems are designed, you have no choice but to buy more equipment than you actually need to support your current requirements.Sounds crazy, but it’s true. Why...

PBX Phone Systems - Call Answering Service

Incorporated with a number of quality features, a PBX phone system with call answering services is an ideal solution for professional handling of calls. This sophisticated phone service enables you to operate your business from anywhere. Even those who are busy moving about can communicate with their clients, anytime.Effective Call Management FacilityA PBX phone system effectively handles telecommunications among the staffs and clients in national and international locations. With rich features such as auto attendant, call transfer, auto-dialing, call forwarding and find-me follow-me services, you can professionally handle all the incoming calls to your workplace. Multiple call transferring is possible in this phone system that functions with the aid of a hosted server. Wherever you are, you...

VoIP PBX Solutions For Businesses - What To Look For

Business communications has always been a challenging arena for management....subject to cost, function, reliability, and other pressures and concerns. The emergence of VoIP technology....and specifically application to PBX systems via IP based protocols....has provided an enormous opportunity for companies to reap many benefits.Many companies today have multiple office locations around the country or around the world. Currently, each office uses its own PBX system and inter-office phone calls are routed through the PSTN and charged long distance and international rates by carriers. Most companies also employ workers on a part time basis who work from their homes. Those workers get reimbursed for telecommunication expenses they incur while performing their duties. It just makes business sense...

What is EPBAX???

The electronic private automatic branch exchange (EPABX) is equipment that has made day-to-day working in the offices much simpler, especially in the area of communication. The EPABX may be defined as a switching system that makes available both internal and external stitching functions of any organisation. The selection of an EPBAX is a difficult task and requires deep knowledge of traffic pattern of the office. By using an EPABX both the internal and external needs of the organisation are fully served. With the advent of powerful microprocessors and advancements in the field of computers, the EPBAX can boast of versatile features. Hotline can be established between the boss and...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mobile Phone Tips

Mobile phones are susceptible to liquid logging and there are chances that water / oil / milk / tea / cold drink / curry / shaving foam may get in and damage it. Please ensure you keep your phone away from all such things. The phone can not be repaired if it's undergone moisture damage. The manufacturer does not give any warranty for such cases. The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) may get damaged in case pressure is applied on the surface. While keeping the phone in the pocket or while seated, always check that it is not in contact with any sharp/hard object. It's advisable to use pouches or mobile phone covers to avoid LCD damage. Modern mobile phones are designed to squeeze in loads of features in a compact size. The Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are multi-layered and are mounted with surface-mounted...

Double screen laptop from Lenovo

After the big screen laptops, Lenovo, the world's fourth-largest,plans to release a laptop with more then one screen. The Lenovo ThinkPad W700ds appears to be the first laptop ever to sport two LCD screens - a 17 inch primary screen and a 10.6-in. secondary screen. The smaller 10.6-inch display slides out from behind the main 17-inch display to provide more work space to its users. This laptop is called by Lenovo mobile workstation, which means is intended for users who need more space and more energy to do their work. Lenovo ThinkPad W700ds is powered by Intel Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad or Core 2 Extreme processor and Nvidia Quadro graphics technology....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Steps:1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc2] Find the file named "HOSTS"3] Open it in notepad4] Under " localhost" Add , and that site will no longer be accessable.5] Done!So- localhost127.0.0.2> is now unaccessable<-- For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before. IE: ...


Yes u can Talk free From 1 Rupee Coin BoxWht U hve 2 do is first pick up the recieverdial *** then 68807 then first 7 no.s which u r calling then #" 999"This 999 is for your limit u can talk 999 min so u can only press no.s like this for eg333 , 444, 555 do 999 it will be better then #0then Insert the coin nd dial full number nd u can talk for 999 sec freefull code ***68807 first seven no.s #999#0imp thing ------ this only works on red 1 Rupee coin it it works 100% guarantee !!!I HAVE USED THIS TRICK AND IT WORKED.PLZ IF U CAN WRITE INB SOME OMMENTS, SO I WOULD KNOW ABOUT UR VIEWS.Article Source:-

Monday, January 12, 2009

How to Choose the Right IP Camera Software For Your Purpose?

There are many aspects of a video surveillance system. It's not just about IP cameras, which are just a part of the entire setup. Beyond these cameras exists IP camera software which is also critical in the effective performance of a video surveillance system. The software doesn't come as a package with the physical cameras. In fact, they have to be bought separately from the market. Hence, it becomes very important to choose a right one from the available lot.There are many things to be looked into in buying software for your IP camera. But, before setting up the criteria's, it is very important for you know your needs first. What do you want your software to do? If you are looking for software that will enable you to do video recordings only, then any software in the market should serve...

Secure Your Home Without Hurting Your Bank Account With an IP Camera

Who says you need to pay thousands for a surveillance system? Get an IP camera and get your house wired up and secured against intruders.An IP camera is an excellent, yet inexpensive camera for your home surveillance system. It can be installed in anywhere in your house for home monitoring and intruder protection. Set up one in your bedroom, living room, garage, or doorstep, and you will get the status of your home in video.All IP cameras come with a built in web server, so you don't have to worry about special hardware or software. You just set up the camera and you're ready to access real time images anytime and anywhere there is Internet connection.Setting Up You IP CameraInstalling the camera doesn't require special knowledge about computers. It is practically designed for homeowners,...

IP Network Camera vs Analog Camera

There are are number of reasons why you should choose an IP network camera for your surveillance system. Sure, analog cameras have been around longer, but the IP camera has proven its worth in performance.The IP tetwork camera has existed since 1996. During its release, network cameras lagged a mile behind analog cameras in professionalism. In the early years, IP network cameras were simply thought of as web cameras used for broadcasting events or objects over the Internet. Fast forward to a decade later, and the good ol' web cams are now part of hundreds of operating surveillance systems.Catching Up with the Analog CameraA few years after it's introduction, the IP network cameras have been updated and upgraded to catch up with the analog camera in terms of function. Today, the IP camera is...
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