Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Time Tracking Software Or Time Sheet Tracking Software

Time tracking software is also called time sheet tracking software, time tracking business software, time and attendance tracking software and employee time tracking software. It is used for managing time sheets for individuals in a business or company, help with the payroll and for settling accounts.

With the help of an efficient time tracking software, a business can save thousands of dollars that arise through unnecessary expenses because of inaccurate time keeping. Though it is possible to use stand-alone the software to record timesheets and create reports, it can also be integrated in the accounting system, billing system, payroll system or project management system of the business.

This software basically works by monitoring and registering the exact time and date each employee checks in and out of the company. So whenever an employee logs into the computer on reaching the office, the event is registered through unique identity codes. It is also possible for the employee to stop and start the clock for each client they attend to.

With all this, the time tracking software logs the amount of time an employee spends at work, while speeding up billing and financing work. This is because the manual payroll work like overtime and hours worked are handled automatically by the software.

Tips to choose the right software

While choosing the right time tracking software for yourself, you will find that there are many options available on the internet today. You can choose the best software for yourself by considering the features of the software. Choose one that is priced based on per client computer and not per employee. This proves to be cheaper to you as can track an unlimited number of employees with the software.

Choose a software that also lets employees send messages to peers and supervisors, log their time of work and the tasks they complete and even put in applications for leave. In fact, there are also some software where employees can deduct lunch times from the hours they have worked, for better calculations while paying employees' salaries.

The software should offer a thorough pay report

The time tracking software should offer pay reports with everything the accounting department will require like social security numbers, gross and net wages and a breakdown of the hours worked. You are to decide on the frequency of these reports, which can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

Of course, choose the time tracking software that you find easy to use, and is user friendly where all functions are clearly marked. Once you find such a software, you may as well buy and use it for better and efficient functioning of your business.

For further information, please visit Time Tracking Software

Abdul Hayi Mansoor

SEO Specialist and Article Marketer

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hayi_Mansoor


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