Sunday, February 8, 2009

To Fix a Slow Running Computer, You Need the Right Tools

When people bring me their computers for repair, there is one problem that motivates them to bring it to my shop more than any other. It is the computer is running slow. Maybe the computer has other problems, but the running slowly part bothers them the most.
There are a few things that can happen to a computer to slow it down and I will talk about these things in this article. However, there is one problem that often goes overlooked when discussing things that need to be done to get a computer's speed back. We will not overlook this problem.
Spyware/Virus And Registry Cleaners
It is well documented what spyware and viruses can do to a computer's operation. It can slow it down and in extreme cases it can cause the computer to be unable to start up. Even worse, spyware can steal a person's identity! For these reason, most people have spyware/virus cleaners installed on their computers.
Another problem most people are aware of is registry corruption. Registry corruption is actually more of a problem with Windows XP and Vista than it was with older operating systems. The newer operating systems have a much larger hierarchy. This allows a little corruption to disrupt many more operations than it could on Windows 98, for instance.
In any event, registry corruption can make a PC unstable and cause it to become very slow. Only keeping the registry clean will prevent a computer from falling into a registry corruption malaise and using a good registry cleaner periodically is the only way to prevent this from happening.
What Else Could Go Wrong?
Still, there are times when I run into computers that have slowed down but aren't infested with any type of virus/spyware or registry corruption. This of course, means there is some other problem slowing down the computer and many times finding the cause of the slowdown is a formidable task!
A large percentage of the time, the problem I find in a case like this, will involve an outdated or unstable driver. Coming to this conclusion is one part of the job of repairing a computer with this type of problem. Finding a replacement for the questionable driver and then installing it is yet another task that needs to be completed.
The New Tool In Town
However, because of a very recent innovation, finding if a computer has a bad or outdated driver is not a difficult undertaking anymore! Now, there is an excellent new tool called a driver scanner that does 100% of the work for us! All we do is start it up and the driver scanner will find any bad or outdated driver we have and it will then upgrade it automatically for us.
The way I see it, driver scanners are worth their weight in gold because they easily do a job that was once very difficult and time consuming. Due to the expense of dealing with them, the fact there could have been outdated drivers in a PC used to be ignored unless these bad drivers were causing major harm.
So, it was common for a computer operator to have to put up with a few irregularities in his or her computer's performance indefinitely. Now that a good driver scanner can take care of the matter, we don't have to accept these irregularities anymore!
You've learned a lot in this article about getting a computer to run fast again. Now find out how to get free spyware/virus scans, free registry scans and even a free driver scan. All you have to do is visit this free site: Repair Slow Computer. Also, find how all the top registry cleaners rate against one another in the most up to date registry cleaner comparison chart on the net: Registry Cleaner Reviews.
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Blogger said...

I have used Kaspersky security for a couple of years, and I'd recommend this Anti virus to everyone.

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